Design Thinking for Change Management

Course Information

What Makes Change a Successful Experience? Stakeholder Engagement & Adoption


USD 1,997.00

Types of the program:

  • 8 weekly sessions, or
  • 3 days intensive workshop

Design Thinking for Change Management

The Blueprint for Enhancing the Human Experience for Co-Creating Adoptable and Sustainable Change.

  • Do you want to understand what Design Thinking is and how can you leverage it in your Change Management practices?

  • Do you want to learn an efficient systematic approach to resolve complex human issues during change?

  • Do you want to better understand and engage your stakeholders, so they embrace and own the change?

This program is an exceptional research-based and methodology agnostic
course which translates Design Thinking to Change Management language and
shows the change practitioners how to create and build practical and strategic solutions by
integrating Design Thinking into Change Management.

Outcome: By the end of this program you will :

  1. Understand the benefits and uses of design thinking for change management.
  2. Gain the ability to successfully integrate design thinking into your change portfolio, by enhancing your skills on co-creating solutions and tools.
  3. Learn how to tap into underlying needs of your stakeholders’ design and implement the solutions with them.

Who this program is for?

For those who facilitate the people side of change and strongly believe that the success of any change initiative lies in its acceptance and adoption on a very individual level.

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Course Information

Design Thinking for Change Management

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5 Powerful Co-creation Tools for Implementing Adoptable & Sustainable Organizational Changes

Dealing with change resistance does not need to be complicated. Learn about the tools which enable you to resolve complex human issues during organizational changes.