human experience

design thinking define

Change Management Dilemma: The Wrong Solution or the Wrong Problem!?

3 minutes read. Everything was set for rolling out a communication dashboard under the corporate website for people managers. Details were designed, and a budget was assigned. The internal communication team was hopeful that a dynamic website as a data repository could address many communication-related issues for people managers during the mergers. The communication team […]

Change Management Dilemma: The Wrong Solution or the Wrong Problem!? Read More »

dizen design thinking

Design Thinking for Change Management? A Fancy Word! What Is It Then!?

4 minutes read. To me, she is one of the best therapists in the country. She knows me and my cultural and family background so well that I cannot think of any other person to go to when I need to vent. She is a blessing in my life. One summer day, we had an

Design Thinking for Change Management? A Fancy Word! What Is It Then!? Read More »

design thinking change management

The Future State of Change Management with Design Thinking

2 minutes read. Last week, I introduced Design Thinking as the mindset shift needed to successfully guide organizations through the changes caused by the wicked problems they face. This week, we look at where we need to be and, at a high level, how design thinking can get us there. Where We Need to Be I talked about

The Future State of Change Management with Design Thinking Read More »

Design Thinking is a mindset

Why Design Thinking is Not Another Methodology, But the Mindset You Need to Re-invent Change Management.

4 minutes read. One gloomy day of the lockdown, I decided to reread a book that had changed my life. Nine years ago, it had caught my eye when I was searching for the “fundamental ways for a mindset change.” It was around the time of my first exposure to the Design Thinking mindset. “The

Why Design Thinking is Not Another Methodology, But the Mindset You Need to Re-invent Change Management. Read More »


One Delicate Aspect of Storytelling for Business You Might Have Missed!

1 minute read. Short Reminders Video Series: Storytelling gives you the sense of being holistic and being connected to other pieces, and other parts of the world. So, when you’re in your story, you’re in your head. And without telling it, sometimes there is a feeling of disconnect between you and me, me and universe,

One Delicate Aspect of Storytelling for Business You Might Have Missed! Read More »

Not all management is change management

No! Not All Management is Change Management and Here is Why!

9 minutes read. When I joined the team to lead a complex agile transformation, everybody was gossiping about her–she was resistant. She was the head of one of the key departments in the company. Her attitude was irritating and disturbing. She did not collaborate with any of the agile coaches, and I was warned not

No! Not All Management is Change Management and Here is Why! Read More »


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